Dreams & Stories by Sebastian Gruia


A lonely soul

This is my grandmother, a divided soul between two worlds, torn by her two sons who left to find purpose in their lives. My uncle was the first to leave the family nest. Back then, he was rebellious and couldn’t bear the communist regime—it was too much of a burden for him. After several unsuccessful attempts, he finally managed to cross the Danube into the former Yugoslavia in 1978, and from there, he went straight to Australia.

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Exploring the elemental shapes of creation.



En Detail

I grew up with this around-the-corner market "Piata Flavia", and it was always a lot of fun to go there with the hope that maybe, this time, I could find that "golden fish", meaning something useful and as cheep as possible. In all these years I didn't have this chance, but tales of people that found what they were looking for, kept coming to my ears




Această taină își are izvorul în chemarea lui Dumnezeu, într-un fel de revelație personală, în care, prin harul Său, descopăr (mereu) care e voia Lui pentru mine, pentru ce am fost creat, care e împlinirea mea, scopul, ceea ce mă face fericit pe acest pământ și continuă în eternitate.

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Life and Simple Things

The moment we step outside the barriers of our daily routine, a new world appears on the horizon, full of charm, dynamic, and personal. Finally, we are truly here, now.



Street Black&White

The street is the stage and we are the actors.



Street Color

The street is always colorful.



The Mute City

In a world where human interaction is increasingly diluted, the idea of ​​a city where man is hidden behind concrete and glass walls no longer seems utopian at all, on the contrary, it is very current.



The Seven Sins

The character in the series of six photographs can be compared to a cube whose faces are colored differently, if you change the direction you look at it from you will see a different color each time, but you will always be aware that it is the same object. Each photograph depicts a certain character trait, taken together they form an entity.


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